OptimumPaleo Vanilla
OptimumPaleo Vanilla

OptimumPaleo Vanilla

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OptimumPaleo™ is a novel, great-tasting, dairy-free protein powder, yielding 21 g of protein per serving. It contains HydroBEEF™, a highly concentrated, bone broth protein isolate, produced through an exclusive proprietary process that allows the protein to be hydrolyzed into more peptides, resulting in easier absorption and assimilation. This product contains beef from animals raised in Sweden without hormones or antibiotics, and is free of any GMO grains, grasses, and/or ensilage.

OptimumPaleo™ is an ideal protein for those who: 
• Want a true Paleo protein source 
• Want the power of beef to build muscle, cartilage and ligaments
• Are dairy sensitive 

Made with non-GMO ingredients.
OptimumPaleo™ contains over 97% protein and is ideal for those on a Paleo diet or anyone who wants the unique protein profile that comes only from beef. Its protein source, HydroBEEF™, contains critical nutrients that are naturally found in beef, including a significant amount of collagen-specific amino acids, along with various minerals and vitamins such as the fat soluble vitamins A and D, as well as natural forms of the B vitamins. It has an impressive protein nitrogen score of 101.5, which indicates high protein usability.

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